Thursday 18 April 2013

My final thoughts...

Finally, this last blog post brings me to the end of my treacherous journey in exploring, discovering, examining, analysing, and critiquing, what I have found to be, the colossal social issue of obesity.

I have come to learn many new things about obesity, however the most astonishing fact of all is how fast obesity rates have increased over just the past decades. Which is why I have decided to take this information to the early childhood centre that I work at, in order to share some of the information I have discovered. I feel that this will encourage my colleagues to see the social issue of obesity from a different angle, as well as adding information to their forever increasing basket of knowledge.

In summary, I am so very pleased that I was able to research and analyse this topic, as it is an interest of mine, and as I am so passionate about creating healthy lifestyles for children. I have learnt so much about obesity, and have uncovered some astounding statistics that have opened my eyes to this epidemic that continues to grow before me. And so I am hoping that all the information in this blog, has also informed the readers of this blog, especially early childhood teachers who are also passionate about this subject.

So, may the following quote be an inspiration to all:

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